Like a modern DSLR camera, we usually take pictures from it, connect it to a computer using a cable and download the image.
The eye is like the digital camera where an image is initially stored, while the cable wire is the optic nerve that sends signals to the brain, which is the computer. If the cable wire (the optic nerve) is damaged, it won’t be able to transfer or send files to the computer (the brain) in order for us to see. But unlike the damaged cable wire, the optic nerve cannot be repaired.
GLAUCOMA is the name given to a group of related diseases where the optic nerve is being damaged resulting to irreversible blindness. The nerve fibres progressively die taking away the peripheral or side vision first. Usually called the “Silent Thief of Sight”, visual loss goes undetected until it is quite advanced. It is also the second leading cause of blindness worldwide.
Photo Source: National Eye Institute
A person who has a family history of glaucoma and diabetes, is over 40 yrs old, and have high intraocular pressure may have a higher risk or chances of having one. Most often, Glaucoma patients will not experience any symptoms.
It is best to have a regular eye check for early detection and to prevent glaucoma from getting worse. Remember, reading 20/20 does not mean your eyes are healthy. Make sure the doctor checks your eye pressure with tonometry every 2-3 years, or more often if you family history.